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Join the Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming State Trails Program and Wind River Outdoor Recreation Collaborative for National Public Lands Day


In celebration of 30 years of National Public Lands Day, the Wind River Outdoor Recreation Collaborative is hosting a cleanup of public lands on September 30th in the Government Draw recreation area east of Lander. This workday is in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management’s Lander Field Office, Tread Lightly!, Wyoming Outdoor Recreation and the Wyoming Trails Program. 


Wind River Outdoor Recreation Collaborative (WRORC) is a grassroots initiative that brings together local community members, stakeholders, federal and state agencies, and other non-governmental organizations to support sustainable outdoor recreation growth and enhancements in Fremont County.


The cleanup is part of the WRORC’s initiative to improve and bring awareness to the Government Draw recreation area which is enjoyed by many Fremont County residents looking for close-to-home recreation on public lands. 


“Misuse of public land is what causes it to be taken away. If we want it to continue to remain open for all types of recreation, we need to take care of it. Please come join us in cleaning up this very popular public recreation area,” states Forrest Kamminga, Manager of the Wyoming State Trails Program. 


Past volunteer cleanup efforts in Government Draw have removed cartridges, targets, household waste and appliances. While annual cleanups have resulted in less trash and public feedback is increasingly positive, litter and illegal dumping continue to impact the area. 


Volunteers are welcome to join the cleanup initiative at any time between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. To reach the cleanup site, turn east from Lyons Valley Road onto Coal Mine Road, cross the Little Popo Agie River and continue on Coal Mine Road to the staging area adjacent to the cattle guard. 


Volunteers should be dressed appropriately for outdoor work and are encouraged to bring work gloves and water. Lunch will be provided to volunteers who RSVP by Wednesday, September 27th.  


For more information about the cleanup and to RSVP, please visit